<img src="barcode.test.php?id=*22222OPI*" name="barcode" id="barcode"/>
include("barcode.class.php"); $mybarcode= new barcode(); $mybarcode->image_create($_GET['id'],array(250,43)); $mybarcode->show(); ?>
<?php class barcode{ /** * This section allows you to modify the default font and errors messages. */ const ERROR_SAVE_JPEG = "NO se puede crear el Archivo JPG "; const ERROR_SAVE_GIF = "NO se puede crear el Archivo GIF "; const ERROR_SAVE_PNG = "NO se puede crear el Archivo PNG "; const ERROR_SAVE_BAD_TYPE = "Tipo de Im醙en incorrecto."; const DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = "/fonts/free3of9.ttf"; protected $font_family; protected $font_width_relation; protected $extension; protected $image_resource; protected $error; protected $type; protected $path; /** * Instantiates a barcode class, that generate a image barcode from a given string, using a TTF font. * @param string $type Defines the image type or format. Valid values PNG, GIF and JPEG. Default PNG. * @param integer $resolution Only for JPEG. Defines the image resolution. For the others formats, has no effects. * @param bool|string $font_family If false, then the class uses the default font especified at barcode::DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY. If a valid string that match a font path (may be relative), uses the parametrized font. * @param float $relation Relation between image width and font size width. Only used if "barcode::image_create fontsize" is false. */ public function __construct($type="png",$resolution=72,$font_family=false,$relation=0.13){ $this->path = pathinfo(__FILE__); $this->type = strtolower($type); $this->resolution = $resolution; $this->font_family = !$font_family ? $this->path["dirname"].barcode::DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY : $font_family; $this->font_width_relation = $relation; } /** * Returns a timestamp with micro seconds for serialize the file names. * @return string */ private function serial(){ return "-".strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",time()).microtime(true); } /** * Set the Response Headers. Limited only for the Images Content-Type. * @return bool True if the headers were set. Otherwise false. */ private function set_headers(){ return header("Content-type: image/".$this->type); } /** * This method creates the output image resource. After that, you can show() or save_file(). * @param string $text The text string to encoded. * @param array $size The image size as an array(width,height). * @param float $angle The angle for the barcode. Useful for vertical (90 or 270) barcode. * @param float $fontsize The font size to use to encode the text string. If not set, the class uses the param $relation of a constructor. * @param array $text_color The font (barcode) color as an array(Red,Green,Blue). * @param array $fill_color The background color as an array(Red,Green,Blue). * @return bool True if the image was created. Otherwise False. */ public function image_create($text="", $size = array(400,40), $angle=0, $fontsize=false, $text_color=array(0,0,0), $fill_color=array(255,255,255)){ $this->error = false; $width = (int) $size[0]; $height = (int) $size[1]; $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $background = imagecolorallocate($image,$fill_color[0],$fill_color[1],$fill_color[2]); imagefill($image,0,0,$background); imagetruecolortopalette($image,false,2); !$fontsize ? $fontsize = (int) $width * $this->font_width_relation : null; $bounding_box = imagettfbbox($fontsize, $angle, $this->font_family, $text); $text_width = strlen($text)*$fontsize; /* Centers the barcode at background */ $top = (int)($height-($bounding_box[5]-$bounding_box[1]))/2; $left = (int)($width-($bounding_box[4]-$bounding_box[0]))/2; $color = imagecolorallocate($image,$text_color[0],$text_color[1],$text_color[2]); imagettftext($image, $fontsize, $angle, $left, $top, $color, $this->font_family, $text); $this->image_resource = $image; return $this->error == false; } /** * This method saves a image resource to a file. It's posible to select a image type, that can differs from the $type at contructor parametrized. * @param bool|string $path If false, or not especified, then the file name is automaticaly generated. * @param string $type The image type that will save. */ public function save_file($path=false, $type="png"){ $this->error = false; !$path ? $path = "./barcode".$this->serial().".".$type : null; $type = strtolower($type); switch ($type){ case "jpeg": if (!imagejpeg($this->image_resource, $path)) $this->error = barcode::ERROR_SAVE_JPEG.$path; break; case "gif": if (!imagegif($this->image_resource, $path)) $this->error = barcode::ERROR_SAVE_GIF.$path; break; case "png": if (!imagepng($this->image_resource, $path)) $this->error = barcode::ERROR_SAVE_PNG.$path; break; default: $this->error = barcode::ERROR_SAVE_BAD_TYPE; break; } } /** * This method show in a browser the image generated by barcode::image_create(). */ public function show(){ $this->set_headers($this->type); ob_start(); eval("image".$this->type."(\$this->image_resource);"); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->type=="jpeg"?$out = substr_replace($out, pack('cnn',1,$this->resolution,$this->resolution),13,5):null; print $out; } /** * At script's finish, the image resource is destroyed. * However you can call this method at any time, if necessary. */ public function __destroy(){ @imagedestroy($this->image_resource); } } ?>